Simply put, a guest post is simply an article or post on another site or blog with your name and links to your site. It is a unique way to gain exposure for yourself in your blogging niche and bring additional targeted traffic to your site, blog, or profile. But how do you start a guest post? You can find out Here:
There are two basic ways guest posts are used to increase targeted traffic. The first is to create your own blog post with your link building out in the byline. You may also use third party software such as WordPress to create a guest post. This software makes it easy to create your own guest posts quickly and easily. Here are a few common examples of guest posts using third party software:
A-Word is a popular blogging platform that allows you to create unique guest posts without using Google’s nofollow tag. WordPress uses this method to show a snippet of text at the bottom of all posts with nofollow attributes. If you’re using WordPress then you can easily add this functionality by visiting the plug-in menu at the top of your page. This will give you instant access.
The second method for guest posting is to find someone else with a high quality blog and ask them if they would like to have your content on their site. You need to realize that asking someone else to post your content is a little different than asking someone else to guest blog for you. Typically, you would post a link to someone else’s page on your blog and that would be fine. However when you are requesting someone else to write a blog post or a series of blog posts, it’s important to make sure that you have their permission.
The nofollow attribute is one of the most important things to understand about what is a guest post. When you are requesting a blog post from someone else, you want to make sure that you don’t have their nofollow attribute because that will essentially stop that person from ever linking to your site ever again. What is a nofollow? That is a Google attribute that says “this page is not disallowed from the Google indexing”. If someone has your blog in their index and attempts to link back to it then Google will drop the page from their indexing.
Another thing to remember is that if you are a blogger, there are plenty of other ways to attract backlinks to your site other than guest blogging. There are other options such as article marketing, social networking and forum posting that all serve different purposes for your audience. However, if you have a large number of readers for your niche then guest blogging can prove very effective. Why is that?
Because guest blogging allows more exposure for you and your blog to people who would not normally be able to find your blog. Now, even though this is the best way for you to go, many bloggers choose to do this only occasionally. If you’re a blogger who enjoys doing this then you know how much of a pain it can be to write dozens or hundreds of new articles a week and waiting for them to show up on the front page of Google. There are more benefits to guest blogging however and this is why many bloggers still choose to do this.
One of these benefits is backlink generation. When a person links to your blog from another blog you get a backlink that can boost your search engine rankings. The higher your rankings are the better chance you have of selling your products or getting visitors to sign up to your list. The more backlinks you have the higher your site will rank on Google. So, when you write a guest post for another well-known blog, not only do you get a backlink but you also help out another blogger who is trying to promote his or her website. This is one of the best ways to help someone out because you’re helping them out as well and in turn, they’ll help you out by promoting yours.